Yoga Instruction Online Buyer Beware!}

Yoga Instruction Online Buyer Beware!


Yogacharya Michael

Yoga Instruction online is slowly catching on. Its a strange concept for some whose sole experience of yoga has been in a group class at the neighbourhood yoga studio, but for those who understand that yoga is much more than just a group of exercises and techniques, the internet has opened up a whole new realm of yoga learning.

But it has also created a lot of potential problems. Anyone with web experience knows that creating a professional looking website or posting well-polished videos is pretty easy stuff, and you dont need to be proficient in your subject material to do it.

Yoga is no exception, which means separating the yoga experts from the non-experts isnt easy. In fact, quite often the real yoga authorities have pretty amateurish looking websites, while some marginally educated yoga enthusiast have some pretty cool sites. The bottom line is, dont be fooled by design.

You can definitely learn yoga online but you dont want to be careless about it. As with anything online, proper research is your best friend.

Yoga instruction online is not really any different than in the living, breathing world. You need a teacher with adequate knowledge and experience. Unfortunately, that knowledge and experience is lacking in most yoga teachers today on or offline.

The modern yoga world too often mistakes enthusiastic yoga teachers for knowledgeable ones, and the modern standards of a few hundred hours of yoga teacher training sure dont help matters. These extremely basic requirements are a terribly insufficient barometer for gauging whether or not someone really does have the understanding and experience to properly teach yoga.

In the end, no one will be able to tell you without a doubt who is or isnt the right teacher for you. Finding out may be a little easier face to face than it is from a polished YouTube vids or professionally designed websites. At least in person knowledge cant be copied and pasted from somewhere else and teachers need to perform without a script or behind the scenes editing.

But there are some great yoga teachers who are doing a pretty good job online as well. The internet will continue to become a more and more important place for yoga, and it would be a mistake to ignore all the potential possibilities it presents. The best advice I have for separating the good from the bad right now is to do your homework. All is not what it seems in cyberspace That is why its called the virtual world.

Yogacharya is the Director of International Yogalayam

, and creator of The Yoga Tutor, a step-by-step online yoga training website. For your FREE TRIAL of The Yoga Tutor, visit

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Yoga Instruction Online Buyer Beware!}