Medical Science: In The Service Of Mankind}

Submitted by: Aanda Inc

Man is mortal; one very concrete fact indeed! Human beings take birth; enjoy their life, then passes away. Everyone is scheduled to go through this natural cycle. But medical science stood tall and challenged this very notion successfully. This has increased human longevity and infused a new ray of hope.

Ever since science and technology has started creating waves all around, it has engulfed almost each and everything. This has made the lives of people considerably easier. Though most of the off shoots of technology is materialistic, medical science came as a major breakthrough. For the first time, with the emergence of medical science and its methods, death has been challenged. Numerous diseases were shown a volt face. People started to defy illness with élan. So, what is medical science all about? It is nothing but the science and art of healing which includes a wide range of health care practices. The main aim of this procedure is to protect, prevent, cure and provide proper treatment to various ailments and diseases.

With the gradual passage of time, the concept of medical science has also witnessed a drastic change. More and more newer concepts were introduced. Contemporary medicine includes health science, biomedical research and several other medical technologies. The science of medicine has been growing and sprouting rapidly since pre historic times. In western world, Hippocrates, a famous Greek physician is widely considered as the father of medicine. He had some of the most effective measures and treatments in his kitty. These went to prove extremely effective in curing multiple range of disease. With increasing amount of success, others also developed a keen interest in the science of medicine. This led to an increase in the number of physicians all around, helping to serve the entire machinery in a better way.

Present day medical treatment includes several steps. In order to attain pin point accuracy, it has been made more analytical. Clinical practice has emerged as one of the most basic step. This has led to the development of a more sensitive relationship, i.e., between doctor and patient. It usually starts with an interaction between the two. Basic medical diagnostic devices like stethoscope, tongue depressor are typically put into use. If the condition requires further study, the doctor might advise to go for blood tests, biopsy, X-Ray. Innovations and developments are still on, to promote and provide better and better services.

Medical science is all about the various methods and procedures of providing treatment. The one who practices this science or has expertise, are known as physicians. Medical science has played a remarkable role in bringing down the graph of illness all around and providing a better, longer and healthier life.



20 parameters + 3 histograms

3-part differentiation of WBC; .

2 counting mode: whole blood, peripheral blood and pre-diluted.

60 Samples per hou

10.4″ TFT color LCD with touch screen.

Built-in thermal printer optional external printe

External AC adapter avoids electronic noises, enhancing accuracy.

Up to 50000 sample results(including histograms) can be stored.

Multilanguage software available on request.

About the Author: Medical science is all about the various methods and procedures of providing treatment. The one who practices this science or has expertise, are known as physicians.


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