Computer Certification Training Is It Worth Paying Thousands?

By Georgia Stath

Computer certification training comes in many forms. It can be boot camps, self study or even going to a school. So you have many options. By far the most expensive study methods are the boot camps and going to a school or even online courses for that matter. In that case you have to think whether the certification you are going for is worth that expense.

Entry level certifications like A+, Network+, MCDST will help you get an entry level job. Entry level jobs don’t pay well. They are your foot in the IT industry. So ask yourself “Is it worth paying $3000-$5000 to attend a boot camp or computer school for such a certification?” You decide.

Some prefer the structured learning environment and are willing to pay for it. Just bear in mind that to make the amount that you paid in wages would take you a long time. Also getting certified doesn’t finish with just your entry level certifications. You will need to do more as you climb the IT ladder. But that’s for much later as you get experience behind you so don’t worry about that now 🙂


Bear something else in mind if you prefer to go the boot camp route. Boot camps are great but they are for those who do have some experience. Someone with no knowledge will have a hard time squeezing so much information in a week or 10 day boot camp course. The stress levels in boot camps are very high!! Generally boot camps are better for the higher level certifications where you would have gained experience through your job in order to be better able to understand new concepts.

Self study by comparison is much cheaper. This can be in the form of a cd course of books. This study method requires much more disciple on your part because most of us work full time jobs. Do you have the time a couple of hours every evening for this type of study? And are you willing to stick with it? – I suppose is the more important question. If you do then you are looking at $50-$700 in comparison.

With the self study route I also recommend you try to get some hands on experience. Maybe through your work or setting yourself up a home lab? It will greatly help you with, no only passing the exam, but studying is made much easier this way.

It may seem that I’m prejudice about computer certification training boot camps or schools. No. Being in IT myself and having to do certifications throughout my career, I have to think where to spend my money on. If I started off paying thousands from the entry level certification that I had done I would still be paying off loans and getting more. And the money I would get from working wouldn’t be worth what I’ve spent.

So decide which certifications you can get by with a little spending and which certifications you are better on spending more. As a general rule, think about the kind of job the certification will lead you to. If the job doesn’t pay much (but you are doing it for the experience) is is worth your while spending thousands on to study for it?

About the Author: Georgina Stath: I am certified and still getting more under my belt. I’ve dedicated my website to giving you all the information that has helped me.

You will find other information such as Hottest certifications, how to study the right way for you, the truth about bootcamps, and more


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