Factors That Can Drive Growth In Pakistan Real Estate Sector

Factors that can drive Growth in Pakistan real estate sector


William Kng

Real estate makes a significant portion of many people s wealth in Pakistan, as most of the Pakistani citizens own their home and have also invested in other properties. The size and scale at which Pakistan real estate market operates make it a lucrative and viable sector for the investors. With reforms and initiatives taken by Pakistani government and improvement done in the infrastructure of urban areas, this sector enjoys a high-growth environment.

Let s look at some of the main factors that can further strengthen the real estate market in Pakistan.

Economic Growth


A key factor that affects the value of real estate sector is the overall growth of an economy. In Pakistan, the real estate sector is also dependent largely on how the economy operates here. Real estate investments done throughout the country and the varying prices of different properties fairly reflect economic growth of Pakistan. If the economy is flourishing and the investors hope to receive good capital growth on their investment, more people will be drawn to investing in attractive real estate projects such as Gulberg Islamabad plots. As the demand for real estate increases in the country, the price of real estate asset rises and resultantly the investment sum increases which eventually leads to high economic growth and vice versa.

Long-term Investment Approach

Many people invest in properties in Pakistan because this investment provides an effective hedge against inflation and experiences capital appreciation in the longer run. Experts also suggest real estate investors to devise long term investment strategy because that s when the investment accrues and offers multiple benefits. Long-term investments are likely to wither the effects of short-term investment, which create artificial hype of the property. However, it will take some time to ensure short-term profiteers that long-term investment practice is better.

Focus on High Quality Projects

Launch and delivery of high quality property projects can derive the best value for investors, not just in monetary terms but also as a lasting goodwill. High quality project does not mean constructing few good houses in any location but a sound project focuses at improving the overall environment and feel of the locality. Such projects, with reasonable initial rates, promise capital appreciation the plots located there and thus attract a number of investors. For instance, Gulberg Islamabad plots prices are reasonable right now so the project appeals many investors. However, it is very important that the project, when completed, meets its promises. Government efforts and endorsement to ensure the social development and the overall look of any bigger project can be the most encouraging news of all for the investors.

These are few noticeable factors that can play significant role in strengthening Pakistan real estate sector. By ensuring that these factors contribute properly in the development of the realty market in Pakistan, the investors can enjoy increased interest and liberty to invest in different residential and commercial projects in the country. Along with more investment, this sector also needs Government backed strategies and a proper mechanism to offer security to the investors and protect their investments.

William King is the Marketing Analyst at Zameen.com. He

Pakistan Real Estate


Gulberg Islamabad Plots

has been sharing his expertise for many years.

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