How Far Printing Has Come

Submitted by: Andrew Bourke

Did you know that printing has come such a long way? The first wall paper printing machine was invented in the 18th century. To be exacted the year the first four colour print surface machine was made in 1839. Even thought we had these printers at hand there was still allot of hand crafting to be done with making the prints. This was known as block printing and was a very popular method to be used. It was basically flat rollers that would produce a pattern over wallpaper. It just goes to show how far we have come with printing and printing a canvas photo in today s masterful printing methods.

This type of printing truly was amazing and to this day still is very good indeed as it would have taken a skilled man a few days to actually make a full print as each colour had its own roller and you could imagine the skill that would have gone into producing just one print.


Then came along the rubber templates that would be on the roller which gave a better effect print and would take away the unwanted background and is also still used in today s printing industry to. These roller were used more for the wallpaper printing and some of these techniques have been passed onto other types of printing to. It s very good how they manage to get the patter on the roller to, basically the pattern would be drawn onto the roller then would be cut out by a laser and then you would take out the unwanted parts and then you re left with a stencil if you like, for your printing roller.

Straying away from the wall paper printing it s good to see that the idea of printing came from a simple method like the rollers and then would inspire a similar way to print on other materials such as canvas. If you looked at printer that can print onto canvas and other materials you will see that they do tend to have a better understanding of spraying ink onto canvas such as inkjet printers but in theory if you think about it even in a print head you will have each ink on its own and would be sprayed at different times such as would you would do with the rollers but the head does all the work and would create a print much faster.

If you did take a new printer in today s market place and had some canvas prints processed for that printer and sat the work down beside an old roller way of printing then I m sure that the older way would be much more respected purely because of the time and passion that has gone into the print and the method it was produced in and i now understand why this type of printing was allot more expensive and respected due to the time and care that goes into the art and work of printing.

About the Author: amazing

canvas prints


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