Workouts To Help Prevent Osteoporosis

By Steven A Johnson

Osteoporosis causes bones to become fragile and more likely to break. While women are more likely to have osteoporosis, men can also develop it. Regular resistance exercise working the upper-and lower-body muscles, along with a healthy diet that includes calcium and vitamin D, will help prevent the onset of osteoporosis. These exercises are designed for people who do not have a diagnosis of osteoporosis.

Check with a doctor before starting any exercise routine. Perform the exercises two to three times a week with at least one day of rest between sessions. Both upper-body and lower-body exercises should be performed. Add weight-bearing cardiovascular exercise such as walking, jogging, stair-climbing, elliptical machine and dancing to your routine.

The best exercises for building bone are weight- or load-bearing exercises. These include weight-lifting, jogging, hiking, stair-climbing, step aerobics, dancing, racket sports, and other activities that require your muscles to work against gravity. Swimming and simply walking, although good for cardiovascular fitness, are not the best exercises for building bone. Thirty minutes of weight-bearing exercise daily benefits not only your bones, but improves heart health, muscle strength, coordination, and balance. Those 30 minutes don’t need to be done all at once; it’s just as good for you to do 10 minutes at a time.

For upper body exercises, start with 1-2 sets of 10 repetitions of ezch exercise. You can build up to 3 sets of 15 repetitions as you get stronger. Upper body exercises can be performed with hand weights or household items such as a water bottle, can of soup or any 1-to-3 pound object that easily fits in your hand. Start light (1-2 pounds) and progress slowly, adding half to 1 pound at a time. During the last 2-3 repetitions of each set, you should feel fatigue or a slight burn in the muscles you are working. Adjust your weights accordingly.

Overhead press

Stand or sit with spine in neutral alignment and feet hip-width apart. Start with elbows extended and weights level with top of your head.

Exhale as you press weights toward the ceiling, straightening your elbows.


Inhale as you lower weights to start position. Feel the workout in the top of your shoulders and upper arms.

Don’t stress or strain your neck.

Triceps kick-back

With weight in right hand keep spine in a neutral position as you lean on chair with left hand. Left foot is forward and knee is slightly bent; right leg is behind and straight.

Bring ritht upper arm next to your bidy and hold it still throughout the exercise.

Exhale as you straighten elbow, extending the weight back behind you.

Inhale as you slowly bend elbow. Feel work in the back of your upper arm and shoulder.

Bent-over rows

Weight in right hand, keep spine in a nurtral position as you lean on a chair with left hand. Left foot is forward and knee is slightly bent; right leg is behind and straight.

Start with right arm straight and the weight pointing at the floor on a slight forward angle.

Exhale to draw weight to your side, bending elbow. Feel work in your shoulder blade and back of arm.

Inhale to slowly lower weight to start position.

Biceps curl

Stand with feet hip-width apart, weights at your sides, palm facing forward.

Exhale as you bend elbows to draw weights toward your shoulders. Feel work in the front of your upper arm.

Keep upper arm and trunk still. Inhale to lower weights to start position.

Don’t stress or strain your neck.

About the Author: Steven Johnson is committed to helping people maintain healthy and effective lifestyles. For more information on any other health supplements please visit his website Alternative Health Supplements.


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